
Le Mendu

Mobile home rates 2024

Rates for a week from Saturday to Saturday, from 4 p.m. to 10 a.m. Cancellation insurance included From 26/04 to 22/06 and from 31/08 au 01/10 From 22/06 to 29/06 and from 24/08 to 31/08 From 02/07 to 16/07 From 16/07 to 30/07 From 30/07 to 20/08

Mobil-home “Ile de Stuhan”

Accessible for people with disabilities

340 € 410 € 535 € 640 € 670 € détail

Mobil-home “Ile de Cezembre”

For 4/5 people

320 € 400 € 530 € 620 € 670 € détail

Mobil-home “Ile de Molène”

For 4/5 people

340 € 430 € 550 € 650 € 690 € détail

Mobil-home “Ile de Ouessant”

For 5/6 people

340 € 440 € 560 € 670 € 710 € détail

Mobil-home “Ile de Hoëdic”

For 2/4 people

270 € 350 € 445 € 550 € 550 € détail

Rates for a week from Saturday to Saturday, from 4 p.m. to 10 a.m. Cancellation insurance included

  • Mobil-home “Ile de Stuhan” (Accessible for people with disabilities)
    • From 26/04 to 22/06 and from 31/08 au 01/10 : 340 €
    • From 22/06 to 29/06 and from 24/08 to 31/08 : 410 €
    • From 02/07 to 16/07 : 535 €
    • From 16/07 to 30/07 : 640 €
    • From 30/07 to 20/08 : 670 €
    • : €
  • Mobil-home “Ile de Cezembre” (for 4/5 people, 2 bedroom(s))
    • From 26/04 to 22/06 and from 31/08 au 01/10 : 320 €
    • From 22/06 to 29/06 and from 24/08 to 31/08 : 400 €
    • From 02/07 to 16/07 : 530 €
    • From 16/07 to 30/07 : 620 €
    • From 30/07 to 20/08 : 670 €
    • : €
  • Mobil-home “Ile de Molène” (for 4/5 people, 2 bedroom(s))
    • From 26/04 to 22/06 and from 31/08 au 01/10 : 340 €
    • From 22/06 to 29/06 and from 24/08 to 31/08 : 430 €
    • From 02/07 to 16/07 : 550 €
    • From 16/07 to 30/07 : 650 €
    • From 30/07 to 20/08 : 690 €
    • : €
  • Mobil-home “Ile de Ouessant” (for 5/6 people, 2 bedroom(s))
    • From 26/04 to 22/06 and from 31/08 au 01/10 : 340 €
    • From 22/06 to 29/06 and from 24/08 to 31/08 : 440 €
    • From 02/07 to 16/07 : 560 €
    • From 16/07 to 30/07 : 670 €
    • From 30/07 to 20/08 : 710 €
    • : €
  • Mobil-home “Ile de Hoëdic” (for 2/4 people, 1 bedroom(s))
    • From 26/04 to 22/06 and from 31/08 au 01/10 : 270 €
    • From 22/06 to 29/06 and from 24/08 to 31/08 : 350 €
    • From 02/07 to 16/07 : 445 €
    • From 16/07 to 30/07 : 550 €
    • From 30/07 to 20/08 : 550 €
    • : €

"Short-stay" rates From 29th Avril to 31th mai and Ascension WE

WE ascension 3 nights 4 nights 5 nights 6 nights

Mobil-home “Ile de Stuhan”

Accessible for people with disabilities

245 € 210 € 240 € 275 € 310 € détail

Mobil-home “Ile de Cezembre”

For 4/5 people

210 € 180 € 210 € 245 € 280 € détail

Mobil-home “Ile de Molène”

For 4/5 people

230 € 200 € 230 € 265 € 300 € détail

Mobil-home “Ile de Ouessant”

For 5/6 people

240 € 210 € 240 € 275 € 310 € détail

Mobil-home “Ile de Hoëdic”

For 2/4 people

185 € 150 € 185 € 215 € 245 € détail
  • Mobil-home “Ile de Stuhan” (Accessible for people with disabilities)
    • Week end ascension : 245 €
    • 3 nights : 210 €
    • 4 nights : 240 €
    • 5 nights : 275 €
    • 6 nights : 310 €
  • Mobil-home “Ile de Cezembre” (for 4/5 people, 2 bedroom(s))
    • Week end ascension : 210 €
    • 3 nights : 180 €
    • 4 nights : 210 €
    • 5 nights : 245 €
    • 6 nights : 280 €
  • Mobil-home “Ile de Molène” (for 4/5 people, 2 bedroom(s))
    • Week end ascension : 230 €
    • 3 nights : 200 €
    • 4 nights : 230 €
    • 5 nights : 265 €
    • 6 nights : 300 €
  • Mobil-home “Ile de Ouessant” (for 5/6 people, 2 bedroom(s))
    • Week end ascension : 240 €
    • 3 nights : 210 €
    • 4 nights : 240 €
    • 5 nights : 275 €
    • 6 nights : 310 €
  • Mobil-home “Ile de Hoëdic” (for 2/4 people, 1 bedroom(s))
    • Week end ascension : 185 €
    • 3 nights : 150 €
    • 4 nights : 185 €
    • 5 nights : 215 €
    • 6 nights : 245 €

2022 pitch rental rates

One day from 2pm to noon From 29/04 to 01/07 & from 01/09 to 01/10 From 01/07 to 09/07 & from 22/08 to 31/08 From 09/07 to 22/08 *Stays for 7 night or more Du 06/07 au 24/08 *Séjours de 1 et 2 nuits
Pitch + 2 pers. + 1 car 17,00€ 20,00€ 26,50€ 28,50€
Additional person 3,00€ 4,00€ 5,00€ 5,00€
Child under 7 years old 2,50€ 3,00€ 3,50€ 3,50€
Electrical connection 10 Amps 3,50€ 3,50€ 3,50€ 3,50€
Pet 2,00€ 2,00€ 2,00€ 2,00€
Visitor 2,00€ 2,00€ 2,00€ 2,00€
Tourist tax (person aged 18 and over) per night and per person 0,20€ 0,20€ 0,20€ 0,20€
Le Mendu
  • Le Routard
  • Wifi
  • ANCV

Contact details

Camping Le Men-Du
22 bis Chemin de beaumer

Phone : 02 97 52 04 23
e-mail :

Opening period

From April 29th to October 1st

The reception desk is open daily from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 19:00.

© 2023 Le Men-Du - All rights reserved - Developed by Fabien Raymondaud
SARL La Vallée Blanche - SIRET 4512 5371 0000 11 - Code APE 552 C - N° TVA intracom FR 42 451 253 710 00011 RCS de Lorient